Today, our IOPHR U.S. representative, Hamid Gharagozloo, spoke as an invited panelist at the National Union for Democracy in Iran (NUFDI) forum. NUFDI is a non-profit organization comprised of Iranian-Americans of all backgrounds dedicated to advancing justice in Iran.
During the forum, Mr. Gharagozloo, along with Cameron Khansarinia, Policy Director for the National Union for Democracy in Iran (NUFDI), Mansur Borji of Article 18 and Marjan Keypour of the Alliance for the Rights of All Minorities (ARAM), discussed the war that the Islamic Republic has waged for forty-one years on religious minorities and opposition groups. This systemic persecution has resulted in the death, disenfranchisement, and devastation of all populations in Iran.
For the full details of the webinar please watch: