The International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights (IOPHR) strongly condemns the cowardly attack of Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists against the Israeli people. This attack, which was carried out with the aim of disrupting the Middle East peace process, took place after the democratic government of the United States of America illegally handed over six billion dollars of the assets of the Iranian people to the regime of the Islamic Republic, the largest global sponsor of terrorism. All of which further empowered the Iranian regime’s allies like Hamas and Hezbollah.
According to published reports, as a result of thousands of rockets being fired from areas under the control of Palestinians towards Israeli cities, more than hundreds of Israeli civilians have been killed and injured. No doubt, a large part of the financial resources needed to carry out these criminal attacks have been provided from the funds provided by the terrorist regime in Tehran.
Also, according to the published reports, the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a meeting with the leaders of some terrorist groups such as Hamas, openly declared his displeasure with the current peace process in the Middle East, which had led to the inaction of terrorist groups. This meeting accordingly led to further payments from Tehran to the terrorists groups which carried out the large-scale terrorist operations in Israel.
On this basis, while announcing full support to the innocent victims of these attacks, the IOPHR once again stresses the need for a fundamental review of the international community’s relations with Tehran! Moreover, IOPHR asks that all democratic governments and International organizations such as the United Nations work to ensure the accountability and adherence of the Iranian regime to international laws and protocols, and also suspend political and diplomatic relations with the ruling regime in Tehran. As these attacks have once again sadly shown that the continuation of political and diplomatic relations with the Iranian regime only increases the audacity of this regime as the largest global sponsor of terrorism and the dangers it poses to the international peace and security.
The International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights
London, Brussels, Berlin, Toronto, Washington
9th October 2023